How Digital Wayfinding in Hospitals can Save you Vital Time

Hospital staff are under immense pressure almost all of the time. This means that anything that can reduce the pressure on hospital staff can be hugely beneficial.

If you’re a hospital manager looking to lighten the load on your staff, digital wayfinding could be just what you’re looking for.

Digital signage can increase productivity, reduce confusion, save money and – most importantly – give hospital staff more time to spend caring for patients.

Here are just a few of the ways digital wayfinding in hospitals can save you vital time:

Reducing waiting times

Waiting times are a point of contention for many hospitals, with NHS England recently suffering the worst A&E waiting times on record.

Digital wayfinding

Instead of waiting to be shown where to go when you get to the hospital, you can be sent a hospital URL map with the exact location you need to be. This can be accessed from your phone so you can be completely independent while finding your way round the hospital.

Improving communication with patients

The frantic pace of a hospital can sometimes lead to crossed wires. Clear digital wayfinding signage can help alleviate this.

Let’s imagine a busy waiting room. The receptionist calls your name and tells you which room go to, but it’s loud and you’re not sure you heard them properly.

With a digital wayfinding kiosk you can be shown on a map exactly where you need to. The hospital can even display your name in the room you need to go to.

There’s no need to waste the receptionist’s time going back to check where you’re supposed to be.


One of the key advantages of using digital wayfinding in hospitals is its adaptability.

If – for example – a patient needs to be moved from one part of the hospital to another, this information may need to be relayed anyone who may be looking for them.

A great solution to this is digital wayfinding. You can easily change the position of a patient on a digital map of the hospital in real-time.

This clears up any potential confusion or ambiguity that could cost hospital staff valuable time.

Decreased navigation time

A hospital can be a labyrinthine place, especially if you’re unfamiliar with it. Digital wayfinding can help with this. A visitor with access to clear maps of the hospital and signage lining their route will find it vastly easier to navigate the hospital.

This also frees up time for hospital staff, who are less likely to be asked “I’m lost, can you tell me where I’m going?”


Implemented right, digital wayfinding in hospitals can have transformative affects. If you’re interested in how digital wayfinding could help in your hospital, we are too! Contact one of our experts for a free consultation.


digital signage, Digital Wayfinding, Healthcare, Hospitals

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